Known bugs: ----------- - When deleting a VLM analysis, all files are not removed from the disks. If a new analysis is created later using the same analysis name, in the same project, this new analysis will be bugged. - when using a power model with a constant speed propeller, in the NS runs the forces of the rotor may be wrong in some cases. A work around is to use a fixed pitch propeller set with the corresponding parameters and velocities. ===================== Patch notes history : ===================== v1.34 ===== - the analysis type "stability derivatives (static)" for 3D NS projects, will now give the derivatives for the p, q, r rotations (roll/pitch/yaw damping), and the spiral characteristic. (requires template v0049) - NS projects have two additional parameters related to surface refinement and pirsm layer expansion. (requires template v0049) - bug correction: analysis of type "Stability and control derivatives (static, VLM)" were stuck after their creation and would not solve. - bug correction: the export for the analysis type "stability derivatives (static)" for 3D NS projects, was not creating the xlsx file as expected. - bug correction: After editing a geometry with special parts such as rotors, creating a configuration from this edited geometry could freeze the configuration page, and restarting the software was necessary to create a configuration. - added template v0049: - more meshing parameters - possibility to translate parts in pre-processing (not yet available through the GUI) v1.33 ===== - The analysis type "Stability derivatives (static, VLM)" was renamed "Stability and control derivatives (static, VLM)", and the results table now gives control derivatives (only if controls were defined in the geometry associated of course). - The analysis type "Stability and control derivatives (static, VLM)", is now solved for a null angle of attack instead of a null lift value. - bug-fix: reading the results tab of a analysis type "custom (VLM)" : there could be in some cases an offset of column in the table of values, the Ground distance columns could display the CDmin - bug-fix: while editing a "custom (VLM)" analysis, a GUI frame from the sideslip analysis set-up was displayed. - bug-fix: when creating a "custom (VLM)" analysis, the create button at the bottom of the frame would deactivate, and it was necessary to restart the software to create another analysis. - user-manual update: In the manual, in the chapter describing the'solving duration' parameters, the angles given as example were in reverse order - bug-fix: while editing a geometry to remove parts, the stl files of those parts would remain present on the hard drive. This had no consequence in the software. - bug-fix: solved a bug that was causing sudden crashes when opening/closing 3D views - bug-fix: when copy-pasting a configuration, the solving duration parameters within the pasted configuration was not pasted and set to default values. - bug-fix: fixed a freeze that would happen when copy-pasting a configuration made in older versions. v1.32 ===== - On 3D views of NS geometries, configurations, Runs, clicking twice on the X Y ou Z buttons will reverse view axis - On 3D views of the visualisation tab, improved camera movements when using multiple frames - Added the rotax-914F in the engine library - L/D plots will now be exported in the xls file of the draft and NS-aerodynamics analysis - In a NS project, setting up a configuration, you can now set parameters to modify computation duration. This option allows you to modify how many iterations will be done and to skip some images generation steps. (template v0048 or higher required) - It is now possible to set refinement volumes as multiples parts for a given refinement level. And these parts can now be rotated and shifted. (template v0048 or higher required) - Small updates in the Manual, the tutorial 3 and tutorial 4. - bug correction: Opening the visualisation tool on a 2D run, the Y button was not recentering the view. - typo correction: creating a NS project, the detail-size description had a typo - added template v0048: - Refinement volumes can now be given as multiple stl files and have rotation definitions. - in 2D, fileModificationSkew parameter is forced to 0, to avoid an openFoam bug that can appear when iterations are too fast. - added some parameters to be able to skip some image generation steps (pvbatch executions) - bug corrections for pitch/roll/yaw damping computations (SRF/MRF computations) but those are not yet available with the GUI. - bug-fix: at the end of the run, the auto-cleaning script will now remove the 0.* files as expected - bug-fix: sometimes file leakPath_leakPath.vtk was generated as leakPath.vtk by openFoam, and the script was not detecting the leak v1.31 ===== - On 3D views of NS geometries, configurations, Runs, options were added for more camera control (perspective toglling, X/Y/Z default positions) - Updated a couple of things in the manual. - bug correction: with Ubuntu 22.04, it was impossible in v1.30 to create a VLM configuration with a mass, or a command mixing model. v1.30 ===== - New part types were added: volumes of refinements. - A new type of analysis is available for NS-3D projects: the VTOL analysis. In these analysis your aircraft will be modeled hovering, with a null horizontal velocity. It is meant to model flow from horizontal propellers around the aircraft. A ground can be modeled under the aircraft and the aircraft can be put at any angle. - Added tutorial 7 showcasing an hovering / VTOL model. - The link to the tutorial page in the Help/tutorials tab was obsolete and has been corrected. - bug correction: when creating a custom analysis in a NS project, if using both Ground effect and the standard atmosphere mode for the density/viscosity computation, the velocity given would always be read in m/s regardless of the unit selected in the GUI. - bug correction: under ubuntu 22.04, a bug was blocking the validation of the form to add a computer to the cluster by inputing a IP adress. - bug correction: in all image-viewers, the left click was not able to display the first image of the list. - bug correction: When editing a configuration having rotors, the inlet mode was always reset to a fixed inlet velocity. - bug correction: When creating or editing a configuration having rotors, not selecting a model in a rotor could cause the run to fail at start. - bug correction: Fixed a bug creating an error when trying to kill a run being processed. - bug correction: Fixed a bug causing the icon of the app to not be displayed in the activity bar. - Added template v0047: - fixed a bug on the velocity limit feature appeared when OF version was switched to v2212 - fixed some bugs related to 'hover' mode (VTOL mode) - Aerodynamic torsor of rotors are now given in Results.csv file - added the possibility to create volumes to refine the mesh at various levels. - added red color shades on the max velocity convergence plot for speeds above 340 m/s. v1.23 ===== - Added new plots in polar graphs: L/D(aoa) - Modified rotating parts logic so that multiple rotations can be done successively on the same part. (to model trim-tabs for example) - Displaying the results of a NS 'Sideslip' analysis, in the second chart , added an option to draw a Cl(aos) plot. - bug correction: when editing a VLM 'Aerodynamics-and-sideslip' analysis, the form was requesting a density value that was not read. - bug correction: when editing a VLM 'Aerodynamics-and-sideslip' analysis, changing the value of Cdmin was not saved. - bug correction: on ubuntu 22.04 and/or on latest versions of firefox under ubuntu, the buttons to copy the tutorials adress were not working. - bug correction: when editing a NS 'sideslip' analysis, a change of the angle of attack parameters was generally not applied to runs - bug correction: some help buttons were displaying HTML code of a manual page, instead of the manual page itself. - Added a new template, v0046: Corrected a bug in the force slicer results. Updated meshing method for custom-refinements (improved cell refinements using feature extracts). v1.22 ===== - Added some predefined geometries for a few ULpower and Rotax engines. - in NS_3D, added a new analysis type : control derivatives - in NS_3D, static derivatives analysis could not be edited, they now can - in NS_3D, static derivatives analysis were using and alpha and beta angle change from 0 to 1°. They will now work with an angle change from 0 to 4°. - bug correction : it was possible to create multiple models with the same name inside a given project. - bug correction : In some cases, in a a sideslip analysis, the directional stability plot was not showing on the results page. - Added a new template, v0045 containing: - since v0036 , in 3D mode, if the detail-size is too small compared to size of the object, the volumic refinement the object is coarsed to keep the quantity of cells under a reasonable limit. From now on, the same thing is done in 2D mode. - bug fix: when a geometry was using a single part, and if custom refinements where used on that part, they were generally not applied - typo fix : the file Results.csv now lists the sideslip angle as aos(°) instead of aoy(°) - run progress is re-evaluted during solving every 2 minutes instead of each minute - convergence plots wil be generated every 2 minutes during solving (after the first 300 iterations, because those are not plotted) instead of being run a single time at the end of solving phases. - 2D runs will now generate a plot of the Y+ value on the airfoils surfaces. v1.21 ===== - bug correction : on a run page, a button called "Recompute moment with an alternative CoG point" opens a popup window to allow the user to set a new CoG point coordiantes. It was impossible to set negative X Y Z values. - bug correction : on a run page, the user can use a button called "Export fields to .csv file" in order to obtain a csv file usefull for structural analysis, but the export file was never created. - bug correction : when exporting an analysis results to a csv file, the units of the propeller speed was display as % instead of RPM. - bug correction : in an 'aerodynamics' analysis, in the results tab, if a mass was set for the aircraft, a table is shown to indicate the angle of attack, TAS and altitude change rate for 4 caracteristic points of the polar (stall, prel.stall, maximum L/D ratio, minimum power required for flight). The velocity values for the prel. stall was not displayed correctly. - updated manual : added a chapter about command mixing models and propeller data imports from csv files. v1.20 ===== - New NS template: v0044 : - uses openfoam v2212 (v2112 before) - pathlines files in the VTKExports sub-directory, generated at the end of a run, should now be openable by paraview. - possibility to change the quantity of prism layers on each part. - possibility to change how many prism extrusion steps are done during meshing. - corrected a bug causing some custom measurment to give null values in some cases. - corrected a bug that could produce incorrect porous zone flow measurements in some cases. - corrected a bug happening when the aircraft was made of a single part, which would make custom measurements fail to produce results. - In the configurations, a new custom measurment is available : the skin friction report. This can be used to get a rough idea of the heat exchange level on a surface. - In a Geometry, custom refinements now let you define a custom quantity of prism layers (this will work only for projects generated with template v0044 or greater). This can be used to manually change Y+ values to the desired level. - In a Geometry, on the custom refinements frame, you can choose how many processing steps are made to generate prism layers (this will work only for projects generated with template v0044 or greater). Making more steps can improve the prism coverage sometimes, but meshing time is increased. - In the run information page, a button has been added to export a .csv file containing the value of the aerodynamical forces on each meshed point. This may be used for structural analysis. - 3D visualisations now let you color the aircraft surfaces with drag, sideforce or lift (only for projects generated with template v0044 or greater). - Improved interpolation made in power models when the input parameters creates a propeller pitch that is lower than 15° or higher than 45°. However the user should still try to stay within 15-45° as much as possible to be sure to obtain realistic results. - updated manual : added a correlation case on a 3D wing. Also added Star-CCM+ results to the 2D airfoil correlation case. Added or updating chapters associated to new features. Rephrased and corrected a couple of points in the chapter describing how to set up a cluster of computers. - added a new tuorial: 6- Estimating engine cooling and modelling propeller airflow. - bug correction : When editing a geometry, if the geometry had custom refinements, the stl associated with each refinement in the GUI form was incorect. - bug correction : The conversion of the user manual from latex to pdf or html was causing the special caracter | to be replaced by -, hence some command lines recommended in the manual were modified during format conversion and wrong. - bug correction: when editing a configuration, the heat exchangers settings could get corrupted, and the runs using exchangers would have incorect porosity and velocity in the exchanger area. - bug correction : on the configuration information page, the list of parts assigned to a force slicer function was mis-aligned in the GUI. - bug correction : in the objective tab, when creating a mission with a cruise over a given time, unpowered glide over a given time, the UI was getting stuck. Restarting the app and selecting this mission would also get the screen stuck. - bug correction : when creating a fixed-pitch propeller model, if the parameters given would make a propeller with a twist angle at 0.75r that is less than 15°, the computation would put the twist at 15° without warning. (The model is built from data available between 15 to 45°) Now values are extrapolated between 15 and 0° as expected, and a warning is shown to indicate this is in an indesirable range. - bug correction : When creating a project, an error could occur when the user was not the main user of the ubuntu system, but a secondary user. The project would then disapear after an application reboot. - bug correction : corrected a function estimating an altitude from a density value. This could cause some rotor models in the Navier stokes computations to deliver incorrect thrust forces. - bug correction : In a mission computation, a step changing the altitude at maximum climb rate was working, but for user-specified climb rates the computation was bugged causing wrong flight veolcities. - bug correction : When editing a mission profile, The GUI of the first step was bugged, not updating for most mission types. - bug correction : When editing a mission profile, The help button to get a description of available mission steps was not working. - bug correction : When deleting an analysis, sometimes a run could be deleted even if it is present in another analysis. - bug correction : In the Queue tab, when killing the run being processed, sometimes the user had to click the button twice, and the GUI was very long to refresh. - bug correction : When creating a configuration from a geometry having rotors, if no model was selected, the configuration creation bugged. - bug correction : it was possible to use < and > characters in names, which would often make the windows version bug. - typo correction : A typo was displayed on the power model information screen 'Popeller' instead of 'Propreller'. v1.12 ===== - Offline tutorials were broken in 1.11 and are now fixed. They also received a small update. - improved a bit the search function in the "Help" screen. - some comboboxes used to select files have their text now aligned right instead of left, in order to always be able to read the last part of the path. - In the 'Projects' tab, when selecting an analysis, the main frame has multiple tabs. Some tabs used to be empty depending of the type of analysis. Now such tabs are hidden when empty. - bug correction : when editing a NS geometry, if some custom refinement where set, if a reference part was then deleted, then the selected values for the refinement got wrong. - bug correction : when creating or editing a VLM geometry, in the window to edit custom option of a section, pressing shift+tab was freezing the software. - bug correction : it was possible to create an NS-3D or NS-2D 'aerodynamics' analysis without selecting a configuration, but then all runs in the analysis would block the queue. - bug correction : fixed a bug that could make the instalation of the rotor library to fail v1.11 ===== - In the project tab, selecting a NS run to display its results, near the aerodynamic coefficients values, a button was added to propose a small tool to recompute moments around a custom point. - bug correction : On windows version, in a VLM project, dynamic stability analysis was not working. - bug correction : During a geometry creation in a NS project, if we imported an igs or stl file with a long name, then set it as a rotor or a porous zone, the geometry creation woul have been blocked because the name given for the part was more than 20 characters. Part names will no longer be able to be edited with more than 20 characters. v1.10 ===== - Added a new type of model : Command mixing model. Can be used to define flaperon rotations or differential aileron rotations for example. This model let the user defines its own custom rotation law, and the 5 command inputs can be mixed. - Added a new model : "Power model (custom coefficients)". This model let the user define his table of J/Cp/Ct values to model the propeller. - In the navigation bar, the 'Queue' icon for the job manager tab will now change depending if the queue is currently inactive, active, or if it is set to desactivate after the nex ongoing runs. Also now the queue processing will always be desactivated when launching the software. - New option for modeling rotors in NS runs : during the creation of configurations you can now choose if the rotor forces must be computed from a fixed theoretical inlet velocity, or from the local airflow velocity found in the computation. The first option is more reliable, but the second option is necessary to model rotors that are partially obscured. You must use NS template v0043 or later for this option to take effect. - New NS template (v0043): new rotor option added, also now Y+ images will automatically be generated at the end of the run. - In 3S NS projects, the sideslip analysis can now be run at an angle of attack being different than 0° - In objectives, new options for mission profile steps have been added to model unpowered gliding flights. Also a new option was added to move to a given altitude level. - bug correction : multiple fixes made to rotors modeled in Navier-Stokes computations and power models. - bug correction: A run in the queue could get stuck at 100% progress. This happened if The 3D view of a run was opened during the session, until the software was restarted. - bug correction: When a NS geometry was imported with units different than mm, it would cause wrong mesh sizing. - bug correction: In the queue page, notification buttons on runs were broken in version 1.02, this was fixed - Corrected a Label in the geometry pages indicating the imported units (it was indicating units for IGS imports while the unit scaling is actually used for STL imports) - bug correction : in the Queue tab, when using a button or a notification to go to a run, the software updates the page to the run page correctly, but does not update the selection in the tree view in the left side of the screen. - bug correction : the scroll area of the tree view in the projects tab was not alligned correctly uneder the 'Export' button - bug correction : a sub-directory called 'Exports' was created in each project directory, but this path is no longer used. - bug correction : in an NS-3D custom analysis, if we validate the analysis creation usinf a full geometry, then edit it, the sideslip angle could not be modified. - bug correction: when visualizing the 3d view of a geometry, the axis system was displayed as if the origin was at the center of gravity, instead of the actual (0,0,0) of the coordinates system. - bug correction: corrected some bugs in the mission calculations. You may need to edit old mission if they don't work anymore. v1.02 ===== - bug correction: installation of rotorDiskACE inside openfoam could sometimes fail without errors. - bug correction: if the user manually stopped a run while it was building its configuration, all runs associated with that configuration would freeze when they start. - bug correction: in the models tab, while switching from a model to another, the title of the page indicating the model adress and name was not always refreshed correctly. - bug correction: In the run information page, clicking on the '3D view' button will open a 3D vizualisation view of the NS run, the comboBox of the velocity scalarbar setting had incorrect entries '1' , '2' and '3'. - Added a new template NS v0042 including bug corrections. The main fix is that when using a small detail-size compared to the global size of the aircraft, sometimes a bug was occuring which was blocking the computation of porous zones and rotor disks. Also removes a bug that was blocking 3D vizualisation when a run was failed due to a high speed found in the solution. - In the run information page, clicking on the '3D view' button will open a 3D vizualisation view of the NS run, This vizualisation now includes a 'Vmax' point. This point is where the maximum velocity was found in the solution. v1.01 ===== - bug correction: when a configuration containing a rotor volume was edited, changing the RPM setting was causing problems. - bug correction: when editing a power model with constant speed propeller, changing the "rated power output" value or the "power loss per 1000ft" value had no effect. - Small modification of Power models : one more parameter is needed at creation, for clarity. Tutorial 1 updated accordingly. - bug correction: in the 3d visualisations, when colloring aircraft surfaces with wallShearStress there were some incoherences of signs between the different colormaps. - bug correction: when selecting a configuration from a NS_3D project, if that configuration had a high number of massflow entries and rotors, then selecting another configuration that had fewer massflow entries and rotors, it was displaying some entries from the first case in the second case. - bug correction: in 3D visualisations, on the top left side of the window there is a screenchot button. This feature works well with ubuntu, but with windows it was creating files with a doubled extension (image01.png.png) - bug correction: If a VLM geometry is copied from a project to another project, the geometry data was copy-pasted, but not the airfoil models. Therefore, if the airfoils models were different in the respective projects, using this geometry could cause problems. - bug correction: In a NS_2D project, when trying to add models, the creation page was messed up and mixing elements from several pages. - bug correction: When using power models, if it had a full-throttle power curve, if this curve cause a limitation in velocity or RPM, it caused a warning message in a file, and this warning was causing a bug in Openfoam, which was failing the run. - bug correction: It was possible to edit an 'aerodynamics' analysis which had runs already started and change its air velocity setting or other settings. This was only changing the parameters for the analysis object however, while the runs already calculated would remain unchanged with old parameters. This was causing problems so those parameters will now be locked if a run in the nalayis is started. - bug correction: When editing a Navier-Stokes analysis by adding new angles, angles that were allready used before sometimes could not be added. - bug correction: In an analysis info page, the checkbox to queue/un-queue all runs didn't have a properly synchronised state, sometime requiring to click it twice to get the result expected. - bug correction: In some rare case, a value entered in miles could be converted to kilometers automatically. The conversion would give incorrect results due to a typo. - bug correction: sometimes a bug was causing the job manager to stop because it could not update the status of a run. - In the examples given after installation, in the Varieze-VLM project, a fuel consumption model was given for an ULpower engine, it was replaced by the consumption model of the continental O-200, the varieze engine. Removed also a couple of airfoil model which were not actually used. - In the models tab, when visualizing a fixed-pitch power model, the units for the velocity was misaligned in the GUI. It was realigned. - The combo boxes in the graphical interface used to be editable by scrolling the mouse wheel. This was often causing the user to change a parameter by mistake when trying to scroll up and down in the page. All the combo boxes were changed to not be editable by the mouse wheel, but only by mouse clicks and keyboard arrow keys. - modified code for Navier Stokes analysis dataset initialisation, to avoid potential errors when runs uin the analysis are unfinished. - Added a new template NS v0041: should make images at the end of the run faster. Saving time especially for heavy meshes. v1.0 ==== - corrected a few typos in the tutorials - bug correction: fixed the help button for the analysis type, in the analysis creation form - bug correction: fixed the suggested neutral X coord for null pitching moment which was not appearing above the pitching moment chart in the VLM aerodynamics analysis - bug correction: fixed a bug blocking the plotting of alternate CoG curves in the pitching moment graph of a NS_2D analysis - renamed "fixed parts" to "reference parts" for clarity - bug correction: fixed a bug that was blocking the deletion of a custom measurements when setting up a configuration - bug correction: fixed a bug in sideslip analysis creation that was causing run to always failed because they were created in symmetric mode instead of full-geometry mode. - bug correction: fixed a bug in sideslip analysis where you could not edit run angles in the analysis. - bug correction: fixed a bug blocking the display of leak paths in the 3D view, when a run was failing due to holes in the geometry. - bug correction: fixed a bug in the custom measurements, when editing a configuration. If the configuration had a slicer function, the coordinates of the center point was not updated with the units displayed automatically. - bug correction: fixed a bug caused by a typo in the code, that could happen during the mac address check if the main interface had a certain name. v0.92 ===== - bug correction : solved a situation where navier stokes run parameter file would have some numbers written with scientific notation, which can cause bugs in the run execution. - bug correction: in the 3d viewers, selecting the purple color for a part had no effect - bug correction: in an 'aerodynamics' analysis, when using the additional CoG definitions, the curves drawn for these additionnal CoGs were incorrect due to a formula error. - bug correction: values comming from AVL are no reinterpreted in the wind referential frame (AVL exports them in a 'surfaces referential frame that is not standard). - shiftings part definitions can no be set to accept any angle on command axis. Meaning that if the input is left empty, the shift will be made regardless of the command angle selected in the configuration. - bug correction: corrected a couple of bug in the mission computation and visualisation of units in mission steps - consumption models have been remade to be valid for a range of RPM values instead of a single RPM value. The consumption calculation has been changed during the mission simulation. - bug correction: if a mission failed due to a lack of fuel, in the results table it could show sometimes lines from a preceeding mission simulation, if this preceeding mission had more steps that the current mission. - bug correction: when a geometry was edited, some source files could be lost if they were in binary stl., this was preventing future editions of the geometry object. - bug correction: cleared a bug that could prevent an help popup to be displayed. - bug correction: corrected a bug in the visualisations tab, where filters selection would not work as expected. - tutorial 1, 2 and 3 have been updated. - modified the minimum quantity of cores used per machine for NS runs from 1 to 2 cores. (1 core the run would crash as the methods are set to run parallel processing) - added tutorial 4 : 3D geometry analysis and optimisation - added tutorial 5 : NS 3D with Controls, Vs0 and CoG range - added NS template version 0040: bug fixes v0.91 ===== NB: Some modifications in the serialization format were done, which means many project created in v0.90 will not be read by version v0.91. For VLM cases there is a workaround: open the project-data.json file in your project with a text editor, search for a line starting with "shifting_parts" and replace it by "part_rotations": [],"shifting_parts" and search for "associated_configurations" and replace it by : "prismlayers": [],"associated_configurations" - A new version of the NS_template is available, version 0039. (removes a bug that could fail runs at a high angle of attack close to the ground ; removes a bug that was blocking calculation of resutls for geometries defined with a single part ; updates files formats to be compatible with new features of ace of aircraft v0.91; reverse the sign of cl and cn coefficients (rolling and yawing) to follow the norm) - New part movement option: moving parts can now be defined as rotation in the NS 2D and 3D geometries (before the only way to define them was by using shifting parts). - A new analysis type was added for 3D NS projects: The Sideslip analysis. - In the configuration (NS) the force-slicer function has been modified to get additional results. The new fonctionnality is described in the manual. - upgraded AVL from version 3.36 to 3.37 for windows, and to 3.40 for linux. - Added parent definition options for geometries. Geometries can now be defined as parents of other geometries, which can be useful to define design inheritance and build a generationnal tree. - In the 'help' tab, the search function will now search matches both in the terminal and in the tutorials - Updated the manual on multiple subjects. - When a computation is failed due to mesh errors caused by a leak to a hole detection point, the 3D visualization tool will now be activated and will display the leak path. - In case a power model is defined without a full trhottle curve, if this model is used at a RPM setting that is not the reference RPM in the model definition, a warning message will appear. - many occurences of the word 'yaw' were replaced by 'sideslip', when talking about the flow orientation, and not about controls (for example 'angle of yaw' was replaced by 'angle of sideslip' to describe a non-aligned relative wing) - many occurences of the word 'front' were replaced by 'forward', when talking about the position of the center of gravity - bug correction: in an 'aerodynamics' analysis, when using the additional CoG definitions, the curves drawn for these additionnal CoGs were incorrect due to a formula error. - bug correction: solved a problem happening when the software is in a small window, some graphical elements where not reachable in the projects tab - bug correction: it was not possible to edit a fuel/electricity consumption model. - bug correction: several help buttons were fixed. - bug correction: when selecting the 'half-geometry' option in a custom analysis, the run where created in 'full-geometry' mode. - bug correction: when editing a custom analysis, the geometry choices options were incomplete - bug correction: when doing a forward long; stab. limit analysis : a bug was blocking the display of the longitudinal stability plot and power analysis. - bug correction: corrected a unit conversion error in the run info screen, on the gorund height v0.90 ===== Implementation of all main features. first published version for beta testing.