4 Creating a Power model

The analysis created before will give you various aerodynamic performances. But performances criterion such as the maximum speed are obtained from power calculations. To get these estimations we need to set up a model of how much power the engine and propeller can make available at various flight speeds.

Later on we will also make a mission simulation and for that we need to know how much fuel the engine consumes while delivering power. This will also be a model. Models in the software are basically mathematical laws binding two scalars.

First, let's create the power model:

  1. Click the 'Models' button in the navigation bar.
  2. Click the project in the tree view on the left.
  3. Click 'Add a new model'
Image IMG-D

Then in the 'Model type' combo box, select the option 'Power model (constant speed propeller)'. Since the specifications indicates a 160 hp engine, we will consider the UL390iS engine from ULpower. The specifications for this engine can be found on https://ulpower.com/en/engines/ul390/ul390is. We will use the following parameters to model this engine:

Image IMG-E

Then we can create a fuel consumption model to be used later:

Image IMG-F