We will now check if all proposed wing areas fulfill the stall speed requirements.
- Click the project button in the navigation bar.
- Click one of the analysis in the tree view on the left.
- Click the 'analysis results' tab.
- Scroll down to the 'additional results' panel and click the edit button.
A popup window will appear in which you can set the following parameters:
- The max take off mass estimated at 730 kg according to the specifications.
- A sea-level altitude.
This will update the 'Additional results' panel with a table, which contain an estimation of True air speed for CLmax(stall) angle.
You should get the following results:
- For the analysis with a wing area of 12 m² : a stall speed of 48.87 knots.
- For the analysis with a wing area of 10 m² : a stall speed of 53.54 knots.
- For the analysis with a wing area of 8 m² : a stall speed of 59.86 knots.
The maximum stall speed without flaps required by the specification being 55 knots, the 8 m² design is rejected.