8 Checking possible static port positions

If you select a run in the tree view on the left side in of the screen while being under the 'Projects' tab, you will get a screen displaying the parameters and results found for this run. In the first image viewers you can select an image called "Solution_CPstat-CS23A4-1325_TQ3.jpg". Images called with the pattern "CS23A4-1325" present static pressure on the aircraft surface with a particular scale.

The color scale is set to correspond to the tolerence limits of chapter 1325 of the CS23 amendment 4 certification rules. This chapter indicates the limits expected from the static system :

Required Accuracy. Paragraph 23.1325(e) requires that the error in pressure altitude at sea level (with instrument error removed) must fall within a band of +/- 9 m (±30 ft) at 185 Km/h (100 kt) or less,

The images "CS23A4-1325" have their pressure color scaled set so that the red and blue limits correspond approximately to the +/- 9 meters range of measured-altitude in the preceding quote.

We can compare these images at various angles of attack, as in the following image:

Image IMG-N  

Under the purple circle added in the images, we can see a green zone that remains neutral regardless of the angle of attack. This area should be good to place the static ports. This check should be repeated with flaps and landing gear out.