6 Checking cruise speed

We will now check if the 12 m² and 10 m² wing area designs fulfill the cruise speed requirement. As explained in the preceding chapter, in each analysis results tabs, we must edit the parameters of the 'Additional results' panel. This time we add a power model, as shown in the following image.
Image IMG-I
Note: the rated speed is 3300 RPM, but the default long-use speed is 2800 RPM, so we use this parameter to model a flight at cruise speed.

At the bottom of the 'Analysis results' tab can be seen the 'Maximum velocity' result, or in our case, the cruise speed obtained at 2800 RPM.
Image IMG-J

You should get the following results:

The minimum cruise speed required by the specification being 140 knots, the 12 m² design is rejected.