3 Creating a new geometry

  1. In the navigation bar, click 'Geometries'
  2. In the tree on the left, choose the project you created at the preceeding step.
  3. Finally, click the 'Add a geometry' button.
Image IMG-B  

  1. Set a name for the new geometry, for example "airfoil23012-withflap".
  2. You can add comments, but this is optional.
  3. Check the units are mm, because the CAD files we are providing are exported in mm.
  4. Click the "Add reference parts" Button, navigate to the folder where the tutorial parts are. You can use this link to download the igs files.
    Otherwise, by default on ubuntu the compressed directory should be: /usr/lib/ace-of-aircraft/ace-of-aircraft-vX.X/tutorials/tuto3/IGSfiles.zip
    And by default on windows: %AppData%/Ace_of_Aircraft_vX.X/tutorials/tuto3/IGSfiles.zip
    X.X being the version you use. Select the files "primary.igs" and "flap.igs", and click open.

Image IMG-C

We have defined the primary and the flap at zero-deflection as reference parts. We will now define how the flap must be updated when a command angle will be given.

With this setting, the flap will be rotated with the command angle. We must now add an additional setting for the 0° deflection angle. For that deflection it is better to use the alternative shape of the flap that goes through the primary, in order to be sure no tiny gap is left between the two parts:

With this definition, when you will request a flap deflection of 0° the reference flap will be replaced by the flap-bump.igs file. This is called a 'shift', it can be used to model translation, deformation or any kind of movement.

Image IMG-D

Finally, add Center of gravity and a hole detection points at X=250 mm ; Z=0 mm, which is a point inside the primary. The Center of gravity is needed to measure the pitching moment. The hole detection point is used to check the integrity of surfaces given. It is a point that is inside the solid given. The CFD mesher will consider the volume found on this point to be the "inside" of the object, where no airflow is present, and will not mesh it, but will mesh the volume he finds outside this one.
It is possible to add multiple hole detection points. In this case you can add a second hole detection point at X=790 mm ; Z=-15mm. This point will check the airproofness of the flap for all its positions from 0° of deflection to 35° of deflection.
Click the 'Create' button to validate, the igs files will be imported and converted, and the page will refresh.

Once the geometry is created, you can check the parts movements is set properly visually:

  1. click '3D view'
  2. In the visualisation window that will open, change the command angles, and observe how the parts move.
  3. you can also visually check the position of the CoG and hole detection points.

Image IMG-P

Then, at the bottom of the geometry page, click the button to create a new configuration. Create one corresponding to a flap command angle of 0°, then another for a flap angle of 30°.

Image IMG-G