5 Processing the Queue

If it is the first time you launch a NS study, you may want to start by goin to the hardware page, and set a proper quantity of core to use for the NS calculation.
NB: hyperthreading is ineffective for this application. If you have for example 12 cores and 24 threads for example, we advise to use 11 cores for the NS calculation, which will leave you 1 to run the GUI and use the computer for other parallel tasks.

Image IMG-O

Then, we can start treating the runs.

  1. In the top menu bar, click the 'Queue' button.
  2. If you wish you may modify the order of processing for the run list.
  3. Finally click the green 'play' button to start the processing of the Queue.

Image IMG-L

Navier-Stokes runs can take several hours to process. When the first run will be finished, a yellow notification button shall appear in the table, you can click on it. This notification will invite you to check this first run result in detail, to not spend hours computing an analysis that has an input error.