5 Improving the engine compartment

We will now create an alternative geometry 'Tuto6-v2' and check if this updated geometry gives a better result than the first one. This geometry is identical to the "v1" but has an additional part, a deflector put around the radiator (purple part in the following image) to favor the cooling airflow. 

Image IMG-K1

  1. Click on the 'Geometry' tab in the navigation bar.
  2. In the tree on the left side of the screen, find and select the geometry you created before for this project, 'Tutov6-v1'. On the keyboard, hit ctrl+C, then ctrl+V to duplicate this geometry.
  3. A geometry called 'Tuto6-v1-copy' will appear in the tree, select it to display its details.
  4. On the top of the main screen, click on the button to edit the parameters of this new geometry.

Image IMG-K2  

Now, we will change a few parameters and parts in the new geometry.

  1. In the edition window, edit the name from 'Tutov6-v1-copy' to 'Tutov6-v2'.
  2. Set 'Tutov6-v1' as being the parent of this new geometry.
  3. Click 'Add reference parts', and navigate to the part file, to the 'Tuto6-v2-stl' subdirectory. Import the part "deflector.stl" from this folder.

Image IMG-K3  

The software will need a couple of minutes to re-process the parts. Then at the bottom of the page showing the geometry parameters, you can hit 'Add a configuration' to define a flight configuration similar to the one created before for the v1:

Image IMG-L  

Go back to the 'Projects' tab and create an analysis similar to the one created before for the geometry v2.

Image IMG-M