In the "Projects" tab, selecting the analysis that was created, then selecting the "Analysis results" tab, you can visualise the table of derivatives. As computations are done, this table will fill up with values.
it should be noted that all these values are computed for angle in radians. A few explanations on this table:
- in the column, there are two elements that are not neglitable, the first one is dCL/dC, often noted CL, value is 4.89. This means that the CL will increase by 4.89 for a rotation of 1 radian. Or, if we consider an increase of angle of attack of 1°, the CL will increase by: 4.89*/180 = 0.08535. The CL is positive meaning the lift will increase when the angle of attack is increased, which is logical.
- the second interesting element of the column is the dCm/dC, often noted Cm. It is negative meaning the pitching moment decreases when the angle of attack increases. In other words the aircraft is longitudinally stable.
- in the column, there are no neglectable elements. The CY is negative: Lateral force will be left sided with positive sideslip angle. The CL is slightly positive: the lift slightly increases in sideslip. The Cl is negative: this means the aircraft is lateraly stable, it will roll into the turn in sideslip. The Cm is slightly positive: slight pitching up in sideslip. The Cn is positive: the aircraft is directionally stable, when sideslip occurs it will yaw toward the incoming airflow.
- rotation columns can be analyzed the same way. In the pitch rate column for example, an interesting value is the Cmq value at a strong -18.6. This means that the Cm will decrease by 18.6 when the pitch rate increases by 1 radian/s. This is a pitch damping.
- The "Neutral point Xnp" value, is the X coordinate were the longitudinal moment measured is null for the reference computation (Cm=0).
- The Clb Cnr / Clr Cnb is a spiral stability characteristic. If the value is lower than 1.0, the aircraft is unstable, prone to spiraling because there is an excessive directional stability compared to the lateral stability, meaning an increased bank angle creates a greater sideslip. If the value is above 1 however, the aircraft is prone to dutch roll.